Monday, July 18, 2011

Bachey Weekend

My liver is shot, I have mysterious bruises, I gained about 6 lbs, and I still have glitter in my hair....Yes, I just returned from my bachelorette weekend in Myrtle Beach!

I had such a blast with great friends and lots of booze. Something I realized this weekend was that I have some pretty different friends, but I see a little of myself in each of them and I am so thankful to have them in my lives. Unfortunately, I didn't take my camera out this weekend, one of my bridemaids was documenting the outings on her camera, so pictures will come later. But I got some pretty awesome gifts from the girls and got to do a lot of catching up and reminiscing. The girls planned everything from where we were staying, to surprising me with lingerie and fun things to wear while we were out. We had some fun games and challenges that we played while out in the bars, and we were the center of attention most places we went.
It is definitely a weekend that will go down in the books, from what I can remember of it, anyways!!! :0) 

S seemed to have an awesome weekend too. He came home burnt, hungover, and with an airbrushed tattoo (hah!) :) I was SO happy to see him and we did a lot of sleeping and cuddling last night. (i'm still not fully recovered!)

I have so much to do this week, it's insane. We're six weeks out from the wedding... invitations are going out this week, and I will be running lots of wedding errands, as well as starting to pack up our apartment to get ready to move to our new place in about 2 weeks! Oh yeah, and did I mention that I ate and drank ALL weekend, so i'll be kicking my ass in the gym since this Thursday is my second dress fitting.

So if i'm M.I.A or a little anti-social, it's cause it's crunch time and this girl has got to get down to businessss.

Have a great week friends!

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