1. Our weekends this fall have been insanely crazy. It seems that every day we have something planned. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE having a lot to do. And getting to visit with friends/go to social outings is fun, but it causes my weekends to fly by making work weeks seem that much longer.
This past weekend, Shane and I went to an absolutely beautiful wedding for our friends Jessica & Keith. I have never seen a wedding have so much flair from the bride and groom and still come together perfectly. There were little details all over the place that had such a personal touch while at the same time matching beautifully. I know a ton of planning and creative thought went into that wedding and I loved seeing all the details and the happy couple.
This coming weekend is about to be insane. We have Pam and Pat staying with us, it's South Carolina's Homecoming (which means Alumni Party Friday night as well), a couple's shower on Sunday as well as a corn maze outing Sunday night....oh, and my Brother & Sis-in-Law from California will be in Cola for the weekend so spending some time with them in the midst of all of this is a top priority! whew. should be an AWESOME weekend!
2. Along with things i've done over the weekends, this past Sunday, we had a craft party at my boss's house. I made a really cute Christmas wreath and got some fun ideas for other crafts and gifts I will be doing this holiday season. It was fun getting together with a few girls and sharing craft ideas and talking about our Pinterest addictions. It really has me in the holiday mood and not just for crafts, but for gift giving in general. I've been busy getting ideas of gifts I want to get people and I think I have just about everyone covered. That really makes me ahead of the game because I'm usually scrambling at the last minute to buy gifts for everyone. Not this year!
3. My other brother & sis-in-law (the one's with the twinsies) sent me the most precious picture of the girls in the mail yesterday. I just love when they send me random pics and i've already framed this one....check out the cute frame I got as well. When I saw it, I just knew I had to have it to display the girls' pics in our house. (I'm one proud Aunt!).
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(I need to make the pic a 5X7 to fit the frame, but this will do until then!) HOW CUTE?!?! |
Speaking of the twins, it's so hard to believe that Nicole was due to have them just LAST WEEK and they are already 12 weeks old. It's been an amazing journey already getting to see these girls grow this much already and i'm just so thankful with the progress they've made!
4. My poor Grandma Casey has had such a rough couple of weeks lately. Her hip has been bothering her and it was really starting to cause her a ton of pain....to the point where getting up and walking to the bathroom was almost unbearable for her. My Dad and Stepmom have been doing everything they can to help alleviate her pain. The doctor prescribed her some pain meds and things got even worse for her. She did not do well with the meds and got really nauseous and sick for a few days. It was worrying all of us and I know it was horrible for Grandma having to go through all of that. My parents took her back to the doctor Monday and since then, they've been able to get her nausea and sickness under control, but she is still in a lot of pain. Hopefully the doctors will be able to do something to help her feel better soon. It's been a scary couple of weeks and with Grandma being 89, we know she's getting more and more feeble. The last thing we'd ever want to see her do is fall. My dad did say that yesterday she was in much better spirits because he was showing her pics that Sean and Nicole sent of the twins. That just warms my heart knowing it made her feel better.
5. Shane and I have started to frame some of our wedding photos and display them around the house. We got a bunch of frames for wedding presents & we've put pictures in just about all of them. I'm running out of frames and space to put them now, but part of me wants to have even more on display! I love a good picture....It is the best decoration you can have in my opinion. I have a feeling we're going to be in trouble when we start having kids. hah.
6. Shane and I have been *attempting* to get up in the mornings to go to the gym before work. So far, it's worked about 4 times in the past 2 weeks. Hey, that's better than nothing....but my ideal plan would be to go at least 4 mornings out of the week. I feel so much more productive when I go ahead and get it out of the way. That leaves my nights free to cook dinner, get other chores done, and relax with the hubby!
It's just 5:30 comes soooooooooo early.... hah...
7. Along with working out, i'm trying to cook us some healthy meals that are delicious, filling, and satisfying to mine and my hubby's belly. Cooking healthy can sometimes be hard but i've made some pretty good meals this week so far. One of the meals that I made, I just had to share the recipe. It was super easy, healthy, and really tasty! And Shane said he'd totally love to have it again. WIN WIN for everyone. I don't really have a name for it and I combined a few recipes I saw on Weight Watchers to get this recipe, but we'll just go with it. Based on the recipes I looked at, this meal would probably be between 6-8 points for a very healthy serving...(for those of you counting.)
-3 med/large potatoes
-2 links of Cajun Chicken Sausage (sliced into little bite size pieces)
-1/2 onion
-1 red pepper
-2 tablespoons of dijon mustard
-2 tablespoons of olive oil (I used garlic infused olive oil....but add garlic powder to regular olive oil)
-1 tspn of parley
-1 tspn of thyme
Chop potatoes, onions, and pepper in to little bit size pieces. Toss them in the thyme, parley, olive oil, dijon mustard and spread out onto a baking sheet. Toss the chicken sausage throughout the mixture. Bake at 375 for 40 mins.
8. Did any of you watch the CMA's last night? I'm a huge country music fan and the CMA's are a must every year. Shane didn't care to watch them with me so he laid on the couch reading, but I was totally singing along to all the live performances and reading all of the twitter updates that people had to say about what was going on. I was super excited that Miranda Lambert won Female Vocalist of the Year and her hubs, hottie Blake Shelton won Male Vocalist of the Year. They are just such a cute married couple....kinda like me and Shane :)
9. Well I made it to 9 updates, but I think i'm about done with this post! Hope you've enjoyed my randomness today!
Happy Friday Eve!
I love love Blake & Miranda (I just blogged about the CMAs!!). Awesome update...and I just adore that picture & frame.
megs [at] Shine On